Inspiration | How to Want Less

With a world heavily focused on social media, it can leave you wanting MORE. Like, all the time. Like, even when you get that something, it doesn’t satisfy. I’ve been challenged in two ways recently.

  1. Tell your finances what to do instead of them telling YOU what to do. No matter what your income, you still won’t have enough. It is a bottomless pit and a way to suck margin right out of your life if you don’t create a budget. I’ve realized that I’ll find SOMETHING to buy at target, online shopping, or at the grocery store that I didn’t set out to get.. but because I had a little extra sitting in my account, I bought it. And at the end of the month, I was still finding myself strapped, because I didn’t budget. Even WITH more work, even WITH a raise, even WITH extra income.. you will never have enough until you learn to budget and live within your means. Also, tithe comes first. God can do more with my money than I can.
  2. “If you feel like you never HAVE enough, it’s because you don’t believe you ARE enough.” Pastor Steven said this a few weeks ago and it resonated with me so much. But I couldn’t help wonder how I would even go about believing I am enough. This sermon by Perry Noble really was a great follow-up to that question. Hope you have time to watch it, but if not, here are the main points:
    • In Christ, I am COMPLETELY FORGIVEN. Romans 8:1 There is NO condemnation for those who belong to Christ.
    • In Christ, I am VALUABLE. I was fearfully and wonderfully made. I was created on purpose. I was custom designed by God. The value is determined by the price someone is willing to pay.. the son of God died for me.
    • In Christ, I am UNCONDITIONALLY LOVED. God accepts us in our mess. He loves us because we are His children made in his image- not because of our PERFORMANCE but because of our POSITION. Every person that is in the Bible needed God’s forgiveness.

I am going to put these on sticky notes on my mirror as my affirmation for the day.

Here’s the full sermon: Getting Past Your Past.